

I am so excited that you decided to take action and join the Founding Members Launch of Becoming Bully-Proof.

You are ready to flip the script.

No more begging to stay home to avoid the bullies. Instead your child is excited and energized for the opportunities of the day.

No more sleep problems and irritability at home due to bullying, and more peaceful and engaging mealtimes discussing the day. Your child is well rested and nourished to take on the challenges of school and activities.

No more frantic calls from school, or upsetting arguments with teachers or administrators that get you nowhere. You’ll have peace of mind about your child’s well being, so you can get on with the business of YOUR day.

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Remember the Quick Action Bonus - 2 20-minute Private Zoom Consultations for the first 10 members to sign up at the $997.00. full price.

This is a $199.00 value.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I know this works because the same system I am teaching you is the one that worked for me. You see, bullying doesn’t stop in school. I really learned how to deal with bullies in the workplace. 25 years of teaching and I’ve seen it all, but I even had to defend myself against a new principal, vice-principal and superintendent. To increase the pressure, the superintendent was related to the school board president AND was one of the power players on the town council. There were times the bullying seemed insurmountable. I did need to consult a lawyer, and while it was stressful (I used many of the techniques in Module 4), I managed to retire on my terms with benefits intact.

The takeaway for you?? The Becoming Bully-Proof program will help you and your child develop self-advocacy skills that will last a lifetime.

Are you ready??? Don’t wait.

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Becoming Bully-Proof


Does your child beg to stay home from school?
Have trouble sleeping, or complain of stomach or headaches?
Feel picked on or ridiculed?
Or does your child just not feel safe because they see kids get away with bullying others?
Are you tired of the back and forth with teachers and school administrators that goes NOWHERE?


What if bullying didn’t have to be a right of passage to be endured during the school years?
What if your child knew how to deal with difficult and unpleasant people from the start?
What if you never had to escalate to school intervention in the first place?
What is you knew exactly how to get the school to stop any harassment early on?
After all - there are children who sale through school and life without being bullied, without joining in, or becoming a bully themselves. They seem to be above the fray without appearing superior or snotty. What is their secret?


I’m Joanne O’Brien, founder of An Uncommon Mind, and I have been in your shoes. I was bullied in school, as was my daughter. In fact, experts predict over 30% of all children are bullied sometime during their K-12 school years, so I know there are many of you out there who are facing this trauma right now. I can tell you I wish my parents had this program when I was in school instead of having to learn this on my own. Frankly, I wish I had figured this out when my daughter was very young - even before school age. But I am certainly glad I put in the time, effort and money to do the research, consult the experts and experiment and perfect the plan that works.
I want your child to be one of those Teflon kids, and that is why I am pleased to offer you the Becoming Bully-Proof Program.


In the Becoming Bully-Proof Program You will Discover How to Stop Bullies in Their Tracks

You and your child will develop real Self-Worth and the intrinsic confidence that comes with developing positive character strengths and knowing your competencies - the knowledge, skills and talents - that allow you to feel they can handle what comes at you. Together you and your child will discover the differences between Self-Esteem and Self-Worth through fun activities, stories and role-playing.
You and your child will be able to recognize and identify bullies and their proxies and have strategies to neutralize “1st Contact”- that first interaction where the bully is testing to see if your child will be an easy victim. We will develop scripts to practice role playing, so that your child is prepared and not flustered.
Best of all, your child will recognize true friendship, and how to be a true friend to others.

What if the bullying continues?

Together we will blast through the 5 Myth About Bullying. You and your child will have effective strategies should bullying continue, escalate, or when they witness the bullying of others.

You will discover the 3 Steps You Must Take before contacting the school. And you will have a template that clearly identifies the 4 elements you must include to have an effective first contact.

You will have an effective plan of action should the situation escalate and you need to take legal action while keeping your child safe.

Look, no one wants to see their child bullied.
That is why it is so important for your child to develop that Self-Worth, so that they can roll with the punches and effectively neutralize the bullying. Even if the bully chooses to escalate your child know you have an effective plan to get the school to intervene.

And once you’re empowered to effectively communicate with the school, and are an advocate for your child, it will immediately ratchet down any anxiety you and your child feel.


No more begging to stay home to avoid the bullies. Instead your child is excited and energized for the opportunities of the day.
No more sleep problems and irritability at home due to bullying, and more peaceful and engaging mealtimes discussing the day. Your child is well rested and nourished to take on the challenges of school and activities.
No more frantic calls from school, or upsetting arguments with teachers or administrators that get you nowhere. You’ll have peace of mind about your child’s well being, so you can get on with the business of YOUR day.


Seriously, how much would that peace of mind be worth to you? Private school is expensive. Moving to a new district - not doable for most people. And it’s STILL no guarantee that your child won’t be bullied again!

This first online offering of Becoming Bully-Proof is special because you will not only have the program, worksheets, correspondence template, script templates, resource lists and fun activities to build Self-Worth, but you will have extensive access to me in our weekly group meetings on Zoom. Plus LIFETIME Access to the Program Updates.And other bonuses.

Programs of this caliber often go for $1997.00
Plus Weekly Group Meetings $2400.00
Bonus package of goodies
(2 of my favorite inspirational books
Plus my favorite emotions wheel
Poster) $ 100.00

That’s a total value of $3497.00

What is the cost to you?? $ 997.00 or 3 monthly payments of $397.00

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And there is a Quick Action Bonus - 2 20-minute Private Zoom Consultations for the first 10 members to sign up at the $997.00. full price.

This is a $199.00 value.

The Becoming Bully-Proof Program is comprised of 8 Modules with a minimum of 10 group calls. I say a minimum of 12 group calls because this is a Founder’s Program - the first time this program is being offered to the public in this format - we may discover topics that need to be explored more deeply. Templates, worksheets, resource lists are all included. Together we can make this program even better.

Module 1 -     Know Your Worth
Module 2 -     Part 1 The Differences Between Self-Esteem and Self-Worth
Part 2 Identifying the Bullies
Module 3 -     Parenting for Self-Worth
Module 4 -     Activating the Para-sympathetic Nervous System
Module 5 -     Part 1 Different Kinds of Bullying - Different Approaches
Part 2 Bullying by Proxy
Module 6 -     Part 1 Contacting the School (Content of the Free Webinar)
Part 2 Do I Need a Lawyer? What Do I Do?
Module 7 -     Systemic Bullying
Module 8 -     Pulling Your Action Plan Together

Extra special bonus! Founder’s Discount for my NEW Program

The Autodidact’s Guide to Education Scheduled to Begin June 1.

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I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I know this works because the same system I am teaching you is the one that worked for me. You see, bullying doesn’t stop in school. I really learned how to deal with bullies in the workplace. 25 years of teaching and I’ve seen it all, but even I had to defend myself against a new principal, vice-principal and superintendent. To increase the pressure, the superintendent was related to the school board president AND was one of the power players on the town council. There were times they bullying seemed insurmountable. I did need to consult a lawyer, and while it was stressful (I used many of the techniques in Module 4), I managed to retire on my terms with benefits intact.

The Becoming Bully-Proof program will help you and your child develop skills that will last a lifetime.

Are you ready??? Let’s do this. Let’s stop the bullying!

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